Survey submission is now closed, and a summary of survey responses is available.
Seventy eight people responded to the survey and, while by no means scientific, the survey has drawn attention to some interesting areas
- of those who responded, around a half travel 26 miles or more to games at the Hive. The survey didn’t ask the travel time but many of those travelling from that distance are probably travelling a couple of hours each way.
- only 4% travelled 5 miles or less.
- over a third of respondents were former season ticket holders.
- half were happy with the move to the Hive; three-quarters were happy with the Hive itself whether they agreed with the move or not.
- around half were unhappy with the Broncos communications with them, and a half felt their links with the Broncos were weaker than three years ago.
- around 40% were confident or very confident in the Broncos’ future.
- there was a pretty even split in match day presence between Saturday afternoon and Synday afternoon.
A digest of comments made in the survey is also available. Responses from the survey could be available for further analysis.